What Happens at the Library?

Author Cary Griffith

Watercolor Class with 321 Art Studio

Bingo twice a month!

Magic of Celtic Music

Wee Will Sings- Will Bjorndahl

Live Entertainment- Gerry Mealey & Friends

Chad Lewis- MN Most Haunted Locations.

"Art Kit Kickoff"
Water- Miscible Oil Pastel Painting with 
Amy Lucas from 321 Art Studio.

Peregrine Falcons

Magician Brodini

Will Hale & the Tadpole Parade

Friends of the Babbitt Library would like to thank all the volunteers who helped move tables, chairs, & carts. Thanks to all the wonderful bakers for our bake sale, Thrivent- for the wonderful gift card to purchase all the food, & supplies. All the supporters that purchased items for this event. Very special THANK YOU for all the vendors that came from all over the Range to be a part of this event. THANKS to all the donations in raffles from the vendors. You made this fundraiser a huge success for the Babbitt Public Library. 
See you next Year!

Great Entertainment with Comic Juggler Tuey.

Happy Earth Day  A Fun Filled Magic Show

Friends of the Library Bingo Fundraiser Event!
THANKS to all the volunteers that helped with tables & chairs, for this event.
THANKS to Gary Herberg for calling bingo.
THANKS to Board Members Elaine Postudensek, Sharon Gilbert, Jenna Sutter, Lisa Pennala, Bev Bialke, & Carolyn Holm. Friends Members - Terri Lowen, Rose Pennala, & Kathleen Graber for all your hard work.
THANKS to Thrivient for all our food supplies!
I would like to THANK each person that came to this event to support the Babbitt Library.
What an awesome fundraiser. See you next year!

Calligraphy class with Lynn Prouty

Brayden Holm won the Easter Basket.

STEM building kits are a huge hit!

Winners of the Winter Reading Program

Klingsheim Family enjoy the FREE Take & Create Art Kits. 

Live entertainment with Gerry Mealey and Guests

Watercolor Class with Kaya


Holiday Party 

Felt Wool Ornament class with Kaya


Halloween Bingo

Minnesota Association of Library Friends (MALF) Recognizes Friends of the Babbitt Library!
Congratulations to the Friends of the Babbitt Library, winner of the 2023 Evy Nordley Award for Best Project by Friends. This honor was based on judges’ review of the nomination submitted for the Up North Craft & Vendor Extravaganza event the Friends of the Babbitt Library hosted in June, 2023. Babbitt is one of the smallest communities to ever earn MALF’s highest prize- which goes to show that exemplary, innovative Friends work happens within groups and towns of all sizes! The Friends of the Babbitt Library Board extends sincere appreciation to the many wonderful vendors and shoppers; the City of Babbitt and Babbitt Seniors; and Friends members and other supporters for helping make this event such a success. Stop by the library to see the award plaque, and join this award-winning Friends group if you haven’t already!

Acrylic Paint Pour Pendant Class with Karan!

Bingo for Adults

Raffle Winner of the Friends
of the Library- Norma Cersine 

Vampire Bat Gnome Class

Friends of the Library Bake Sale

Author Holly Margl discussed her book “Witnessing Grief” at the Babbitt Library.
                        Pictured left to right. Holly Margl & Babbitt Patron Linda Goozen.

Puppet Showcase
with Christopher Lutter-Gardella

Wonder Bubbles

Preschool Story Time
Dinosaurs Roar!

Preschool Story Time
Reverse Watercoloring
& Reading the Classic 
"Elmer" by David McGee

Preschool Story Time
Parrots Talk

Preschool Story Time- Dog Barks
Bring home "George" to retell a story.

Preschool Story Time
 People Sing.
Children received pop tubes to sing tunes & 
take home.
Our egg shakers went well with the book:
Old MacDonald had a Farm by author/
illustrator Jane Cabrera's bold, colorful 

Preschool Story Time
Elephants Paint.
We will be taking shapes &
 elephant's colorful paint. 


Preschool Storytime
Summer Theme: Beavers Build
Engaging young minds with nature & books
Using Sticks, Leaves, & "Mud"
Children learned about
Beaver Homes = Lodges
Beaver Babies = Kits
Streams Blocked = Ponds 

Preschool Story Time
Summer Theme: Pigeons Drive

Preschool Story time
Bears Hug
bear Stories & reading Prize Drawing
Plus Free books for each child
thru United Way of Northeastern Minnesota.

Read and Explore
Kids listened to a book: One turtle's Last Straw
learning about the "real life story
that sparked a sea of change"
The kids using recycled items to make
clay creations as they learn to 
"Find Your Voice" 
"Environmentally" at the library.

Read & Explore
Find Your Voice Artistically 
From Peter Reynolds to great books
"The Dot" and "Ish"
the kids created their own versions of 
a dot using battery bug markers
& drew "vase-ish" flower pictures
using tissue paper.

Read & Explore
Say Something
Make a Pop Tube

Read & Explore
Magnetic Poetry Tins

Elementary Read & Explore
Humorous stories about balloons.

Elementary READ & Explore
Kids had fun guessing
the tunes & sounds
by using a Bingo Board
for the final session
our “Find Your Voice” 🎉
Summer Reading Program.
They learned from the incredible
true story of The Girl Who Heard the Music:
How One Pianist and 85,000 Bottles & Cans
Brought New Hope to an Island
by Mahani Teave that music 🎶 is for everyone and marvelous change can happen when you recycle ♻️ *
Summer Reading Drawing Prizes
were given out. Also, each child was able to pick out a FREE Book purchase with funds from United Way of Northeastern Minnesota!
Happy Reading📚
* Google
Rapa Nui Odyssey her #1 Song
and the Documentary
about the ecological and cultural
preservation of the island.
Sometimes referred to as Easter island

Squeegee Painting 
for Teens & Pre Teens

Find Your Voice Creatively
Summer Reading Program
for Teens & Pre Teens
Examples of Metal
Stamping & Button Making.

Special Summer Session
Ukulele Playing
Designed just for teens and preteens,
it featured learning chords, strumming
& a simple song.
The names of participants were put in a drawing for a new Ukulele!
Miranda was the lucky winner 🎉
Special Thanks to Ben & Eva Morgan
for their expertise on teaching
the teens & preteens how to play ukulele.
Our library has a welcoming atmosphere
for teens that encourages their participation
in the summer reading program and year round by providing unique opportunities
just for them to learn new skills
in a fun way for their age group.

Friends of the Library
Peter Mitchell Bingo

Up North Craft & Vendor Extravaganza

Story Time with Chione

Up North- Mary Casanova

Lois Hujanen, proud winner of the blanket drawing. 

Preschool Story Time

Outdoor Photographer and Author Ken Hupila 
shared his adventures from his two books he wrote. 

Book / Dvd Sale

St. Patrick's Day Horseshoe class

Valentine Day Craft Class

Book Bingo is back!

Babbitt Public Library Friends Member Beth Morgan 
has volunteered to the the library's Summer
Reading program for over 17 years. During this time she has enthusiastically 
completed many "story Time" and "Read and Explore" sessions
for kids of all ages and their adults. She spends 
many hours preparing for each session, follows the
Arrowhead Library System summer reading
programming has a high impact to spark joy and curiosity for reading.
We appreciate the motto she shares with all: "Learn it at the Library"!
Thank you, Beth!

Kleshiem Family
Snowman Craft Class


Read and Explore- Wild Blue Yonder

Preschool Story Time- Leaves and Trees

Marlynn Klinzing's Quilt
 at the Babbitt Library Art Gallery.

Denise Walters Seed Art Kit from the Legacy Program.

Read and Explore - Bugs and Butterflies
Nature Bingo

Read and Explore- Colors of MN
Painted Snakes

Colors of MN Story Time

S'more Camping Fun Story Time

Read and Explore Time
S'more Camping Fun


Read Beyond the Beaten Path Summer Reading 
"Takes a Hike"


Gnome Garden Program

Gunner Skager was the winner of the nature guessing jar.


TaikoArts Midwest


Magic Bubble Program

Friends of the Babbitt Library book bag design winner is Jenna Sutter.
Congratulations, Jenna!

Afoutayi Dance program

Denise Walters is the winner
 from the Blind Date With a Book Program

Dani Kilic (14) painted a beautiful landscape with the legacy
take and make kits from the Arrowhead Library System.
Harper Kilic (7) won the Jumanji board game from the winter reading program.
Darlene Mackie9 not pictured) won the adult basket from the winter reading program. 

MN Author Patrick Mader


Magic Colors Your World

Feelings Color Your World-
Children made luminaries and played emoji bingo.

Nature Colors Your World
Children learned from famous Bob Ross how to make "happy little accidents."

Spectacular Science Program was at the Babbitt Library.
Children used physics to Pendulum paint, water tension and sunlight to design beauty.
Huge Thanks to the Ben, Beth, Phoebe, and Eva Morgan for all your hard work in setting this program up!
Thanks to all the other volunteers who has been helping with our programs.

Fiesta of Colors-
Children weaved yarn bowls.

 Babbitt Library Summer Reading Program-
Reading Colors Your World.